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Café Rosè: Un nuevo gusto, bayas secas
EsquinaDeLosCafes presents CAFE Rosè: Process of delayed pulping and alcoholic distilation.
Cafe Rosè descritption and characteristics.
Roast: ‘City Plus‘.
Process: Honey, Semi-washed.
Type and Varietal: 100% Arabiga: ‘Bourbon’, ‘Red Catuai’, and ‘Caturra’.
Single origin: Apante, Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
Single batch: from one farm lot only.
Why Rosè? Like Champagne Rosè the fruit skin influence the colour, in this case of the Coffee Seed so some other compounds are added through the process of ‘retarded depulping’ and that means also that a double fermentation have occurred.
The result is a higher density of the Coffee Seed. This means that this is the only process that make higher its density enhancing the notes.
The prominent flavour is flowers, the NEW Flavour on the cupping notes is DRY BERRIES.
The Aftertaste: Roses, Jasmin, Dry Berries, and Black Tea.
High Balance: high sweetness, high acidity.
Check the SCAA Taster’s Flavour Wheel for Cafe Rosè

Why Rosè? Like Champagne Rosè the fruit skin influence the colour, in this case of the Coffee Seed so some other compounds are added through the process of ‘retarded depulping’ and that means also that a double fermentation have occurred.
The prominent flavour is flowers, the NEW Flavour on the cupping notes is DRY BERRIES.
the after taste: Roses, Jasmin, Dry Berries, and Black Tea.
High Balance: high sweetness, high acidity.
Honey process. This version contains 20% JAVA of honey process.
A new taste, Dried Berries.
This coffee is based on a delayed pulping process, that is, it starts as ‘unwashed’ and at a late stage it happens to be a ‘semi-washed’ process in honey.
Café Rosè is of a High Balance value because the process provides sugars that caramelize during roasting.
Café Rosè: Flavors & Notes. SCAA standard: Syrup, caramelized, honey, Vainilla, Black Tea, Rose, Jazmine, Blackberry (dried berries).

Cafe Rose in Facebook
EsquinaDeLosCafes : Facebook : photos : Café Rosè
Café Viena: Distinguished Coffee based on ‘Vienna Roast’. Every other bean is the same Vienna Colour. The coffee is also passed through the riddle after roast to guarantee the characteristic Vienna roast and flavour.
EsquinaDeLosCafes presents Café Viena:
Vienna Roasting Profile is distinguished to be as bright and oily as an ‘Italian Profile’, but as light as a ‘Full City’ Colour.

‘Café Viena’ descritption and characteristics.
Roast: ‘Vienna‘.
Process: Un-washed, coffee fruit Sun-dried. A distinguished flavour like prunes and dry fruits.
Type and Varietal: 100% Arabiga: ‘Red Catuai’, and ‘Caturra’.
Single origin: Arenal, Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
Single batch: from one farm lot only.
The Aftertaste: Almonds, Chocolate, and Raisins.
High Balance: high sweetness, high acidity.
Café Vienna in Facebook
EsquinaDeLosCafes : Facebook : photos : Café Vienna
Café Blumen: A coffee I create for the German taste: Almonds, Strawberry, and Caramel.
The main idea was to taste like flowers so I dedicate myself into work in a semi-washed (Honig-Typ) process to influence the Coffee Seed with new notes. The particular varietal is Yellow Catuai and sometimes bits of Java, both varietals with high Flowery notes.
EsquinaDeLosCafes presents Kaffee Blumen:
ROASTED in origin in Matagalpa. Dieser Kaffee, wenn Sie fruchtige Noten haben, weil ihre Verfahren Wäsche ist nicht / NICHT CONVENTIONAL.

The Aftertaste: Strawberry, Almonds, Caramel, Chocolate, and Flowers.
Flavour: Strawberry, Almonds, Flowers.
‘Café Blumen’ descritption and characteristics.
Roast: ‘FULL CITY‘.
Process: Semi-washed (Honey Type), initially an alcoholic fermentation and then a sun drying process while the fermenting process continues. It’s just fruit skin removal, but the pulp still remains.
Type and Varietal: 100% Arabiga: ‘Red Catuai’, and ‘Caturra’.
Single origin: Apante, Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
Single batch: from one farm lot only.
The Aftertaste: Strawberry, Almonds, Caramel, Chocolate, and Flowers.
Flavour: Strawberry, Almonds, Flowers.
Café Blumen in Facebook
EsquinaDeLosCafes : Facebook : photos : Café Blumen
Café Torino :
‘Café Torino’ a delicious italian roast based on a natural drying process in fruit.
Prominent taste of syrup and chocolate.
Notes and aftertaste: Dark Chocolate, Caramel and Honey.
EsquinaDeLosCafes presents Café ‘Torino’:
ROASTED in origin in Matagalpa.
Café Torino is a response to our coffee consumers from Italy and USA.
They wanted a dark roast, intense chocolate notes.
This is 100% Arabiga: Caturra and ‘Red Catuai’ a regional origin from Reserve ‘El Arenal’, Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

‘Café Torino’ descritption and characteristics.
Roast: ‘Italian‘.
Process: Un-washed (in Fruit, The Fruit of Coffee gets dried), initially an alcoholic fermentation and then a sun drying process while the fermenting process continues. All the process ocurres with the skin and the pulp which influence the Coffee Seed making it a seed with a higher density and new notes on the cuppping.
Type and Varietal: 100% Arabiga: ‘Red Catuai’, and ‘Caturra’.
Single origin: Arenal, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Altitude 1450. m
Single batch: from one farm lot only.
The Aftertaste: Dark Chocolate, Caramel and Honey.
Flavour: Syrup and Dark Chocolate.
Café Torino in Facebook
EsquinaDeLosCafes : Facebook : photos : Café Torino
Support Direct Trade: Produce from Origin
Process and roast by EsquinaDeLosCafes, Matagalpa.
Café Firenze :
Café Firenze is marvelous delicate job: a Honey Process. Honey Process is the one semi-washed: The ‘mielado’ so depulped removing the fruit skin only, but the pulp still remains.
Café ‘Firenze‘
El experto Alejandro David Bolaños, propietario de las cafeterías La Esquina de los Cafés de Nicaragua, responde preguntas claves para animar a los productores a practicar está técnica.
¿En qué consiste el proceso de melado del café?
Cafe Mielado = Semi-Washed Coffee Process .
The coffee is classified according to its process :
1-. Washed.
2-. Semi – Washed .
3-. No – Washed .
The mielado is called the semi-washed coffee , which only get depulped once (1 time), not 3 times as the conventional coffee (washed).
The issue to be corrected would be the possible distortion of Mielar concept which consiste into add HONEY to.
The semi – washing process after drying and contain sugars mucilage surrounding the parchment ( the shell and not the pulp, or the skin of the coffee fruit ) is that then is a honey surrounding the parchment ( the beige party then leads to remove coffee threshing ) .
Honey is the product of the drying process with the sun caramelize the sugars from the mucilage.
EsquinaDeLosCafes presents Café ‘Firenze‘:

‘Café Firenze’ descritption and characteristics.
Roast: ‘City Plus‘.
Process: Semi-washed (Honey Type), initially an alcoholic fermentation and then a sun drying process while the fermenting process continues. It’s just fruit skin removal, but the pulp still remains.
Type and Varietal: 100% Arabiga: ‘Red Catuai’, and ‘Caturra’.
Single origin: Apante, Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
Single batch: from one farm lot only.
The Aftertaste: Honey, Flowers , Chocolate, and Black Tea.
Flavour: Syrup, Honey.
Café Firenze in Facebook
EsquinaDeLosCafes : Facebook : photos : Café Firenze
‘Café de Matagalpa’.

This Coffee is vintage because is Selected by density submerged in water, but it’s not graded in machine. Enjoy this unique vintage Coffee: ‘Café de Matagalpa’.
Café de Matagalpa 1862 is the full name of this Vintage Unique Flavour.
It taste like that Premium Coffee Berries dried naturally at the farm of your Grandfather 50 years ago. It was naturally dried in fruit, dehusked ‘pilado’ by hand, and then roasted.
This Coffee is vintage because is Selected by density submerged in water, but it’s not graded in machine. Enjoy this unique vintage Coffee: ‘Café de Matagalpa’.

Café de Matagalpa.
Creamy and foamy.
Hand Selected and dried in Fruit.

Matagalpa became City in the year 1862.
Matagalpa, Highly productive area, beautiful people, coffee companies.
The Year 2018: Coffee of MATAGALPA 1862 presents its new label. Same rich characteristics of sweetness, fruits, and chocolate.
Profile of Roasting: FULL CITY PLUS (Medium Roasting).
Cafe de MATAGALPA 1862, means that we celebrate 157 years (2018) as the City of Matagalpa.Cafe de MATAGALPA 1862, is a tribute of quality and gratitude to all the people of Matagalpa because they are the most productive region, the pride of Nicaraguan coffee.
EsquinaDeLosCafes continues to bring MATAGALPA Coffee with superior quality: Natural Process of Fruit Drying, Full City Roasting, and its original flavor of dried fruits and caramel.
‘Café de Matagalpa 1862’ descritption and characteristics.
Roast: ‘Full City Plus‘.
Process: Un-washed (in Fruit, The Fruit of Coffee gets dried), initially an alcoholic fermentation and then a sun drying process while the fermenting process continues. All the process ocurres with the skin and the pulp which influence the Coffee Seed making it a seed with a higher density and new notes on the cuppping.
Type and Varietal: 100% Arabiga: ‘Red Catuai’, and ‘Caturra’.
Single origin: Arenal, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Altitude 1450. m
Single batch: from one farm lot only.
The Aftertaste: Chocolate, and Caramel.
Flavour: Prunes and Chocolate.
Café Matagalpa in Facebook
EsquinaDeLosCafes : Facebook : photos : Café de Matagalpa
More about Coffee
Coffee is botanically classified as:
The arabica, with C, is the word to refer to belonging to the Arabs.
Arabiga is the coffee of the highs therefore is the Specialty Coffee.The coffee will be classified by grade after (this is called The Preparation) by density, size of the riddle, defects allowed, etc.
Arabiga coffee is sub-divided as varietals. some are hybrids too.
Coffee Varietals of Nicaragua:
More info my page:
Robusta is the coffee type of coffee for the low lands. In general is using deforastation (removing the forest) to plant huge amount of coffee plants as happen in Brazil and Vietnam.Robusta is high content in caffeine so highly importante for the industry (Coca Cola, Nestle, Unilever) and therefore for instant coffee, etc.