Kaffee ‘Blumen’, Honig-Typ / Coffee’Blumen’, Honey Process
‘Coffee Blumen‘ descritption and characteristics.
Roast: ‘FULL CITY‘.
Process: Semi-washed (Honey Type), initially an alcoholic fermentation and then a sun drying process while the fermenting process continues. It’s just fruit skin removal, but the pulp still remains.
Type and Varietal: 100% Arabiga: ‘Red Catuai’, and ‘Caturra’.
Single origin: Apante, Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
Single batch: from one farm lot only.
The Aftertaste: Strawberry, Almonds, Caramel, Chocolate, and Flowers.
Flavour: Strawberry, Almonds, Flowers.
EsquinaDeLosCafes presents Coffee Blumen:
ROASTED in origin in Matagalpa. Dieser Kaffee, wenn Sie fruchtige Noten haben, weil ihre Verfahren Wäsche ist nicht / NICHT CONVENTIONAL.

The Aftertaste: Strawberry, Almonds, Caramel, Chocolate, and Flowers.
Flavour: Strawberry, Almonds, Flowers.
Café Blumen: A coffee I create for the German taste: Almonds, Strawberry, and Caramel.
The main idea was to taste like flowers so I dedicate myself into work in a semi-washed (Honig-Typ) process to influence the Coffee Seed with new notes. The particular varietal is Yellow Catuai and sometimes bits of Java, both varietals with high Flowery notes.
Café Blumen
This Coffee was made according to Honey Process (Semi-Washed Process). For that purpose EsquinaDeLosCafes wrote an academic/technical Article for a Centralamerican Agro Magazine: RevistaProAgro.com
Semi-Washed Coffee Process .
The coffee is classified according to its process :
1-. Washed.
2-. Semi – Washed .
3-. No – Washed .
The mielado is called the semi-washed coffee , which only get depulped once (1 time), not 3 times as the conventional coffee (washed).
The issue to be corrected would be the possible distortion of Mielar concept which consiste into add HONEY to.
The semi – washing process after drying and contain sugars mucilage surrounding the parchment ( the shell and not the pulp, or the skin of the coffee fruit ) is that then is a honey surrounding the parchment ( the beige party then leads to remove coffee threshing ) .
Honey is the product of the drying process with the sun caramelize the sugars from the mucilage.
Café Blumen in Facebook
EsquinaDeLosCafes : Facebook : photos : Café Blumen