‘Cafe de Matagalpa 1862‘ the only coffee with the History of Matagalpa inside: Matagalpa Coffee ♥.
1862 is the DATE when Matagalpa became the City.
Matal Galpal is the CITY HEAD, that is the Main City of the region, which was elevated to the City category in 1862 thanks to the coffee activity of the first coffee farmers, which came from Germany and England thanks to President Zelaya, which was a graduate of the German Military Academy.
Cafe de MATAGALPA 1862, means that we celebrate 157 years (year 2018) as the City of Matagalpa.Cafe de MATAGALPA 1862, is a tribute of quality and gratitude to all the people of Matagalpa because they are the most productive region, the pride of Nicaraguan coffee.
EsquinaDeLosCafes continues to bring MATAGALPA Coffee with superior quality: Natural Process of Fruit Drying, Full City Roasting, and its original flavor of dried fruits and caramel.

This Coffee is vintage because is Selected by density submerged in water, but it’s not graded in machine. Enjoy this unique vintage Coffee: ‘Café de Matagalpa’.
‘Café de Matagalpa 1862‘:
Vintage Unique Flavour.
Coffee Berries dried naturally at the farm, Selected by density submerged in water, but it’s not graded in machine.
‘Café de Matagalpa 1862’ descritption and characteristics.
Roast: ‘Full City Plus‘.
Process: Un-washed (in Fruit, The Fruit of Coffee gets dried), initially an alcoholic fermentation and then a sun drying process while the fermentation process continues. All the process ocurres with the skin and the pulp which influence the Coffee Seed making it a seed with a higher density and new notes on the cupping.
Type and Varietal: 100% Arabiga: ‘Red Catuai’, and ‘Caturra’.
Single origin: Arenal, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Altitude 1450. m
Single batch: from one farm lot only.
The Aftertaste: Chocolate, and Caramel.
Flavour: Prunes and Chocolate.
Café de Matagalpa 1862 is the full name of this Vintage Unique Flavour.
It taste like that Premium Coffee Berries dried naturally at the farm of your Grandfather 50 years ago. It was naturally dried in fruit, dehusked ‘pilado’ by hand, and then roasted.
This Coffee is vintage because is Selected by density submerged in water, but it’s not graded in machine. Enjoy this unique vintage Coffee: ‘Café de Matagalpa’.

Café de Matagalpa.
Creamy and foamy.
Hand Selected and dried in Fruit.

We accept orders Worldwide, please send us an email to: CoffeeTradingNi@gmail.comand we reply you back your Invoice.
‘Café de Matagalpa’.
Matagalpa Coffee: The Beggining.
We started this project as guests of the Municipality of Matagalpa Coffee Festival. The date was 2015. Octuber 24th.
Our main challenge was to show the new ways to dry coffee in fruit as it comes from the picking: Unwashed Coffee Process.
Coffee of Matagalpa 1862 previous versions:
Matagalpa Coffee Tours & Activities:
Finca Matagalpa 1400 meters Coffee-Commodity-prices-2018 Specialty Coffee Varietals Specialty Coffee Roast 70 on Agtron Scale